Thursday, December 19, 2013

Why Are American Health Care Costs So High?

Another brilliant video from John Green . . .

Green discusses the complicated reasons why the United States spends so much more on health care than any other country in the world. Who's at fault? Insurance companies? Drug companies? Malpractice lawyers? Hospitals? Or is it more complicated than a simple blame game?

Good stuff! Thought-provoking.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Do You Eat Silly Putty?

Amazing--and scary--what we put in our bodies. Here's a nice, quick introduction to the topic:

I didn't know that!

Perhaps, once we know, we won't completely stop insulting our bodies with these kinds of ingredients. But maybe we will slow down with our ingestion of such things. And maybe we can tell the suppliers exactly why we are reducing our consumption of their products.

But it's not just fast food at our favorite burger joints that cause problems. Look what Vani ("Foodbabe") finds in a typical kitchen pantry (you can get to the point somewhat faster by starting at 0:43):

Monday, December 2, 2013

Protect your body from your Laptop!

I've become increasingly concerned about EMR (ElectroMagnetic Radiation).

If high use of cell phones can cause cancer (see here and here, as well as the cautious (i.e., "not definitively proven, but may be the case") Mayo Clinic report), . . . and, ignoring the potential cancer connection, let's look at fertility issues related to laptops: is there something that those of us who use laptops or tablets on a consistent basis can do?

Here's a proposed "solution":

If you're interested, the best prices seem to be available directly from HARApad.